build that lean sculpted physique and the Strong & Sexy body of your dreams!

Make the hours at the gym count, and make your 40’s and beyond be the years where you’re still turning heads.
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Hey Nancy Here...

Being a woman over the age of 40 who has high expectations of herself is no joke.

It feels like your youth is ticking away, and as you try everything in your power to set yourself up for optimal health, nothing seems to go your way- am I right?

So tell me does this sound familiar?

  • Going to the gym is already a part of your lifestyle, however all the work you’re putting in doesn’t seem to be generating any results.
  • ​You’re noticing your body changing- fast. Yes I’m talking about loose skin, jiggly arms and the belly pouch
  • ​You presumably eat clean but feel like your energy levels are at rock-bottom; and you’ve tried everything from keto to low carb and low calorie to drop the stubborn weight.
  • ​You long after the cap in your shoulders, toned abs the perky glutes. The things that should be coming through considering the amount of time you’re spending in the gym.
There’s an absurd perception that for a woman over the age of 40 it’s all downhill. 

That her looks disappear…

Her body fails her…

Menopause makes her crazy…

…and that the two piece bikini can be abandoned forever.

But that simply isn’t the case.

It’s not your fault you haven’t been able to get your body back…

It’s no secret that our bodies change with age.

This is all because we lose muscle as we age and our metabolism slows right down.

So peddling on exercise bikes, or spending hours on the treadmill isn’t going to help lose the weight or build the abs.

Even if you’re currently lifting, you need to let go of your fear of heavy weights. Progressively increasing the weight constantly tells your brain…

‘Hey- we’ve got to build more muscle, she needs more strength to lift heavier. Empty those fat stores for more energy and increase that metabolism!’

You’d also be pleased to know that obsessive calorie and macro tracking isn’t the answer to getting your dream bod either. Trying to function when your diet resembles that of a rabbit is no way to live, and it won’t help in knocking off the numbers off the scale either.

It just messes with your hormones further, increases bodily stress levels and disrupts sleep… all factors that tell your body to hold on to the fat even tighter!

Get Sexier With Every Birthday You Celebrate

Your 40’s, 50’s and beyond can be the years you truly feel (and look) amazing!
  • The years where you say F’it and wear the figure hugging dress that’s been at the bottom of your closet.
  • ​Where you prove to yourself that you are a badass!
  • ​When you check yourself out naked in the mirror.
  • When your intimate life is spicier than ever.
  • Where dedicate time to elevate and challenge yourself to new heights.
  • When you sculpt the abs of your dreams and build sexy curves.
All it takes is the right approach.

Someone that fully understands you- not a fitness influencer who became ‘certified’ from a 2 hour online course; and the new and inexperienced PT’s that don’t understand how a woman’s body truly works.

If you just abandon all the outdated workout routines and take a chance on yourself, you can become age proof and get the body that only the rich movie stars and celebrities pay thousands of dollars for.

Meet Kathleen...

Kathleens goal was to lose the final 10lbs of stubborn fat- but NOTHING she did worked. She wanted abs, but was losing hope.

After assessing her diet, we found out that she was severly under-eating and her body had metabolically adapted. So even with low calories her body was holding onto fat because her metabolism had dropped severely.

Only with a reverse diet and a new workout program, we increased her metabolism which lead to fat loss and ab gains!

Let Me Introduce Myself…

My name is Nancy Di Nino and I’m a former professional Fitness Competitor with 20 years of experience, a Certified Clinical Weight Loss Practitioner and I have been a certified personal trainer for over three decades.

I’ve coached thousands of people to gain muscle, gain definition, lose weight name it! From gym novices to professional fitness competitors!

Now my main passion and specialty is helping women of all body types reach their health and fitness goals. This lead me to dive deep into the female metabolism as well as gut and hormone health.

I am honored to be voted by Optimyz Magazine as one of Canada’s Top Trainers, and am grateful for the opportunities to appear in magazines such as Oxygen, Muscle & Fitness Hers, and Optimyz.

Plus I have had the absolute wild experience of hosting media events such as The Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports Weekend.

... And yes, my most memorable is interviewing Arnold!

Mini me would’ve been totally freaking out!

I have always been an active kid. From the age of 6 I started gymnastics and would be doing a 1000 situps daily at the age of 10.

As a young girl I wanted to be just like Wonder Woman, and I was obsessed with strong lean physiques.

I was athletic and lean throughout my early adulthood, and although I looked perfectly healthy, it really wasn’t like that.

I went through body dysmorphia, depression and excessive calorie restriction and experienced hypothyroidism. When I hit my 30’s, hormone havoc broke out, I was yo-yo dieting and overweight.

Simply said- I’ve experienced two sides of the extremes.

But I recovered from both polarities and rebuilt my body…

…and now I want to help you too inside the Strong and Sexy Blueprint!

Tried-and-true frameworks to love what you see in the mirror again

With my years of trial and error, training, diet experience and coaching I have created a framework that gets long-lasting, sustainable results that allow you to go beyond the ‘sets and reps’ and eat more to lose more!

With this framework you’ll build lean, toned muscle that will help you burn calories all day long.

All without another trendy and restrictive diet, or hours spent at the gym.


My Proven T3 Method Targeted Training & Technique (What most trainers don’t show you)

Phased Training

Your training will be structured into phases- each with a specific goal.

1) Prime & Reset- get nutrition under control, understand how your body responds to different foods, balance hormones and support muscle growth.

2) Fat Loss - calorie deficit to use fat stores for energy.

3) Training - goodbye to endless hours of cardio and hello to hypertrophy paired with metabolic conditioning that will get your burning fat all day long!

Phased Training

Your training will be structured into phases- each with a specific goal.

1) Prime & Reset- get nutrition under control, understand how your body responds to different foods, balance hormones and support muscle growth.

2) Fat Loss - calorie deficit to use fat stores for energy.

3) Training - goodbye to endless hours of cardio and hello to hypertrophy paired with metabolic conditioning that will get your burning fat all day long!

Time & Tempo

 Flying through reps just to get it check the exercise done isn’t effective. This is why we’ll add in tempo manipulations that range between isometric pauses, holds and explosive dynamic movements.

Time & Tempo

 Flying through reps just to get it check the exercise done isn’t effective. This is why we’ll add in tempo manipulations that range between isometric pauses, holds and explosive dynamic movements.


We’re parting ways with hours on the treadmill and the spin bike.

In the weight room you’ll consistently challenge your muscles to grow using a variety of different techniques such as iso-holds, isometric contractions, progressive overload and more.


We’re parting ways with hours on the treadmill and the spin bike.

In the weight room you’ll consistently challenge your muscles to grow using a variety of different techniques such as iso-holds, isometric contractions, progressive overload and more.

Meet Heather, 49 years old. She struggled with really losing the final 10 lbs and leaning out while building more muscle, no matter what she said or how she exercised. She was a frequent traveler and lived on the road. Adding more calories to her daily nutrition gave her more strength to lift and build the lean muscle she always desired while changing her body composition overall. Now she lifts to get lean having sculpted muscle, toned abs and sexy curves.

   Amazing Results In 

5 Phases   

Metabolic & Hormonal optimization (Reset your metabolism & hormones).

Get to the root of why you can’t lose the stubborn weight, by balancing your hormones and gearing up your metabolism

Shred and Build phase (shredding the fat while building lean muscle).

Now with your biology prepared- it’s time to uncover the lean muscle behind the layer of fat.

Reverse phase (Bringing your calories up higher than ever).

To continue challenging your body, you’ll be building your strength and progressively lifting more to grow those muscles! To fuel this growth we increase your calories.

Freedom (Intuitive Eating, no tracking, no fear of under-eating or overeating).

Learn to make this process a lifestyle, by learning to trust your body cues on what and when to eat.

Muscle Mastery - learn how to maintain your strong and lean physique.

As much as I love my clients, I want to see them thrive on their own. So as the program comes to a close the ‘after plan’ is key in making sure you maintain your results and implement you new habits for the rest of your life.

Who is the Strong & Sexy Blueprint for?

This is not for you if…
  • You’re looking for unrealistic overnight results
  • ​You genuinely find exercise a chore
  • ​Your only goal is weight loss
  • ​You’re an absolute beginner to the gym or have never exercised before
  • ​You believe that weights will make you big and bulky
  • ​You want a solely a home-based workout, or one working with resistance bands only.
This is for you if…
  • You have tried numerous programs that yielded no results leaving your body looking the exact same.
  • ​You want to change your overall body composition, or build lean muscle and be firm and shapely.
  • ​You are up for a challenge and want to be coached.
  • ​You’re open to going to the gym but might need home variations for when you’Re travelling or short on time.

  what You Get?  

  • Breakthrough Session - Goal Setting and Plan of Action
  • Initial nutrition and movement assessment. Tailored coaching for you with video demos.
  • Intake and orientation - Complete lifestyle overhaul by going over your SHREDS (Sleep, hunger, recovery, energy, digestion, stress)
  • Onboarding week - includes videos guiding you through start-up items, food planning, education, and a training 'form assessment' .
  • High Accountability -1-1 Communication via coaching app Monday - Friday with your own log-in portal
  • Done for your meal plan with food rotation options, individual daily calories and macros.
  • Macro optimization- methods to get you lean (not skinny)
  • Eating by 'Volumetrics' - because girls who lift need to eat in abundance (no deprivation)
  • A variety of nutrition methods to maximize lean building including Intermittent Fasting, Flexible Dieting and Intuitive Eating (based on your goals).
  • Weekly check-ins and feedback review- Form check, weight, nutrition and training adjustment as needed
  • Habit forming and accountability targets each day via coaching app, especially when “life happens” we have to make adjustments around events and travel
  • Access to Bi-weekly group coaching calls and group chats for support with a tribe of like minded people keeping you accountable​

  Client results!  

You Have Two Choices  

  • Continue to waste your time at the gym without getting the firm butt, arms or abs you desire.
  • ​Continue to slave away with group spin classes and treadmills for hours thinking cardio is the answer and still see no change in your body.
  • ​Continue to subscribe to trendy/free apps, intended to give you a killer workout, but unnecessarily tire and kill yourself for nothing because your body will still look the same (a harder killer workout doesn’t mean it will change a physique and make you stronger!)
  • ​Take short cuts surfing the internet for free advice - shorter workouts jumping from program to program and still never get the results for you and your physique (you can’t gain muscle in 30 days!)
  • ​And after all that, your body will still be "on-hold" stuck where it is right now…

OR Join The Strong & Sexy Blueprint and…

  • Increase your strength on average 20% -30%
  • Change your body composition losing fat in the right areas replacing it with lean muscle and definition
  • ​Learn effective weight training strategies to boost metabolism (without doing long bounds of cardio)
  • ​Improve your physical endurance, conditioning and performance level
  • ​Change soft and jiggly to firm and shapely muscle definition
  • ​Feel confident looking in the mirror and finally admire your defined visible curves 
  • ​Feel amazing in a swimsuit or jeans and flaunt your earned results 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who Is This Program For?

This program is for women over 35 that want to lose their final 10-15lbs, build lean muscle, create sexy curves and become age proof!You must have some experience of lifting weights, must be familiar with the gym and have some knowledge of meal planning.

How Long Is The Program?

No quick fixes here! Real results (that last) take time, and a whole lot of consistency. The duration of the program varies from person to person, because we all have different starting points and different goals. But typically programs start at 180 days minimum.

What Does It Mean To Be Age Proof?

It is the process where we teach your body to build LEAN MUSCLE AND HAVE A METABOLISM that never has to depend on a diet, restrictive plans or damn cardio!Age Proof is buidling a body that works for you for the rest of your life, having good joints, bones, skin and being able to carry groceries up the stairs beyond 65!

What Does "Nutrition" Look Like?

After the intake assessment your nutrition plan is 100% done for you! The macros and calories will be tailored to your goals, and we will adjust the meal plan depending on which phase of the program you're in. This means no guess work for you, and no more hunting down 'clean recipes' on instagram. 

Am I Too Old?

I am 50 years old! Are you kidding me? I know women and clients who are stronger and fitter than me now in their mid 50’s. In fact, if you are over 35 and a regular exerciser this may be EXACTLY what you need. After 35 we start to lose muscle mass and bones get weak so resistance training is crucial to maintain health and longevity.

Do I Need A Gym Membership? How Long Are The Workouts?

Commercial gym equipment is highly recommended for optimal results, so a gym membership is recommended. However, there are home modifications for the times that 'life happens' and you can't make it to the gym.The workouts will be 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes to an hour.

How Do I Get Started?

Simply press any of the buttons on the page to be directed to the application form. This is a key step as not everyone will be a good fit for this program. I need to assess your suitability and commitment to the program before we start working together.I'm not here to waste your time and money. I'm here to help committed women that are ready to put in the work to see results.

When Can I Anticipate Seeing Results?

Everyone is different and has a different base line they are starting with. Results will happen with your daily and weekly consistency. Plus with the weekly checkins we will always be moving forward.

What's The Investment?

Your investment will entirely depend on what it is that you need from the program. It depends on the program itself, the duration, level of support and so on.This is program is entirely customized to you, hence why the enrollment in this program is done by application. After filling out the application, it will be reviewed and only if we are a good fit, you will be invited for a call to discuss the next steps.

This program is for women over 35 that want to lose their final 10-15lbs, build lean muscle, create sexy curves and become age proof!

You must have some experience of lifting weights, must be familiar with the gym and have some knowledge of meal planning.

No quick fixes here! Real results (that last) take time, and a whole lot of consistency. The duration of the program varies from person to person, because we all have different starting points and different goals. But typically programs start at 180 days minimum.

It is the process where we teach your body to build LEAN MUSCLE AND HAVE A METABOLISM that never has to depend on a diet, restrictive plans or damn cardio!

Age Proof is buidling a body that works for you for the rest of your life, having good joints, bones, skin and being able to carry groceries up the stairs beyond 65!

After the intake assessment your nutrition plan is 100% done for you! The macros and calories will be tailored to your goals, and we will adjust the meal plan depending on which phase of the program you're in. This means no guess work for you, and no more hunting down 'clean recipes' on instagram. 

I am 50 years old! Are you kidding me? I know women and clients who are stronger and fitter than me now in their mid 50’s. In fact, if you are over 35 and a regular exerciser this may be EXACTLY what you need. After 35 we start to lose muscle mass and bones get weak so resistance training is crucial to maintain health and longevity.

Commercial gym equipment is highly recommended for optimal results, so a gym membership is recommended. However, there are home modifications for the times that 'life happens' and you can't make it to the gym.

The workouts will be 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes to an hour.

Simply press any of the buttons on the page to be directed to the application form. This is a key step as not everyone will be a good fit for this program. I need to assess your suitability and commitment to the program before we start working together.

I'm not here to waste your time and money. I'm here to help committed women that are ready to put in the work to see results.

Everyone is different and has a different base line they are starting with. Results will happen with your daily and weekly consistency. Plus with the weekly checkins we will always be moving forward.
Your investment will entirely depend on what it is that you need from the program. It depends on the program itself, the duration, level of support and so on.

This is program is entirely customized to you, hence why the enrollment in this program is done by application. After filling out the application, it will be reviewed and only if we are a good fit, you will be invited for a call to discuss the next steps.

Copyright 2023 Nancy Di Nino. All rights reserved.